Thursday 24 October 2013

Test your Death Ray #1

Quiz time WOO!

Do you think you know stuff? Prove it by getting a high score on this the first ever Death Ray Science News Quiz.

Hint, have you read all the articles on our site yet?

Friday 18 October 2013

Science comic of the week: Gravity is rad!

Today, Dinosaur Comics brings us a tale of gravity, friendship and being rad. These tips from Timmy are guaranteed to increase your radness by at least 18%. ☠

Click the comic for a bigger version

Rad links
Find out more about gravity from a physicist.
Seriously, Utahraptor, are you even a real dinosaur?
And who is that mysterious omnivore in the corner? Why it's the lovely Dromiceiomimus.
Finally, check out the BBC's Planet Dinosaur game, but only if you like dinosaurs and games.
Do you like what you see? Do you think we could do better? Join Team β and help make this site the best site. Click here for more information or join our mailing list below.

And the winners are.... elephants and crocodiles

Greg du Toit of South Africa is the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013 with Essence of Elephants, while 14-year-old Udayan Rao Pawar of India is the young Wildlife Photographer of the Year for his photo Mother's little headful.

© Greg du Toit. Click here to see a bigger version at the Natural History Museum website.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013 - sneak preview

In a few hours we will all be astonished when the winners of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013 awards ceremony are revealed.

Photo © Jasper Doest
This competition is in its 49th year and it has the best wildlife photographs. If you don't believe me, just ask Google.

It is for serious wildlife photographers. Many of the winners spend weeks or months staking out a particularly rare species or animal behaviour in order to get the perfect shot.

But it's not just for the pros.