Death Ray Science News would like to introduce you to Team β.

What does β mean?

β (the Greek letter beta) means the website is still in development.

So β means your website sucks?
That's right, it's not very good. But β also means that we are continually improving it, so it's getting less sucky all the time.

But when is it going to be good?
Who knows, but when it is good we'll take it out of beta. This is called going gold!

I'll check back when it's gold then.
OK. Or you could stick around and join Team β.

I don't know. It sounds like work. What do I have to do to get on Team β?
You don't have to do anything really. In fact, congratulations! Just by visiting the site you have joined Team β.

OK. Now that I'm on the team, what can I do to help?
Good question. Here are some of the things you can do:
  1. Read the site.
  2. Sign up to our mailing list. It's pretty great.
  3. Tell your friends about Death Ray Science News.
  4. Write comments. Tell us what you think of the articles. Say what you liked and didn't like and tell us what other stuff you would like to see.
  5. Send us an email at and tell us how we can improve the site.
  6. Write an article. Check this link for how YOU can become a science journalist.
As a member of Team β you are a part of something that is going to be AMAZING!

Thank you,

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