Friday, 20 September 2013

This song explains how the Universe works, or does it?

A Canadian university student has produced a physics version of the classic song Bohemian Rhapsody.

You can watch the song, called Bohemian Gravity, by clicking read more. There is a lot of it that you won't understand, but that's OK, because the song is describing how the Universe works, and the Universe is complicated.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Now you can play Minecraft at school

Minecraft is one of the most popular computer games in the world for school-aged children, and now that popularity is spreading to the classroom.
Learn about space travel. Source: 2P

Minecraft is great. You dig. You create. You show off your creation and your friends are super-impressed. But there is a problem. You want to play it all the time but you just can't.

Why not?

Well, there are annoying distractions like sleeping, eating and going to the toilet. But the biggest problem is school. School takes up a lot of valuable Minecraft time, but no matter how hard you try, your parents just won't let you quit school to take up full-time Minecrafting.

Friday, 13 September 2013

The new iPhone is at your fingertips

Fingerprint recognition might be about to hit the big time with the release of the latest iPhone.

Fingerprints. They're all different. Source: Wikimedia Commons
Among the other revolutionary new features, like different colours and, um, a slightly better camera, Apple has included a much anticipated fingerprint scanner in their top-of-the-range iPhone 5S.

Fingerprint recognition is a type of biometric technology. Other kinds are facial recognition, iris (eye) recognition and voice recognition. All of these technologies work because we are all different, and computers are smart enough to tell us apart.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Measles Alert! Measles Alert!

Lock your doors! Bar your windows! A measles epidemic is sweeping across Australia!

10 people in Victoria and four in Queensland have caught the potentially fatal disease in the last month.

OK, so maybe 'epidemic' is a bit of a strong word to use. 14 sick people is not quite the zombie apocalypse but it's 14 people too many. Why? Because measles is nasty and it must be destroyed.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Global warming, ocean cooling

The so-called 'pause' in global warming over the last 15 years might be explained by cooler ocean water sucking the heat out of the air.
File:Mauna Loa Carbon Dioxide Apr2013.svg
CO2 keeps on rising. Source: NOAA

We know that carbon dioxide (CO2) causes heat to be trapped in the air and we know that CO2 levels have been increasing over the last 150 years. So the air should just keep heating up, right? But the temperature has hardly risen since 1998. Why?

Is there less heat coming from the sun? Are there more clouds (which cause cooling)?

What is the deal, Earth?