Wednesday 28 August 2013

Termite love is in the air

Good people of Gippsland, avert your eyes! Termites are coming out of the woodwork and they are looking for love.

Termite alates. Source: USDA
Little winged kings and queens - known as alates - throughout eastern Victoria have taken to the skies in search of a mate.

By hitting the termite dating scene all at the same time, the micro-monarchs give themselves the best chance of hooking up with a mate from a distant colony. This increases genetic diversity and reduces the chance that brothers and sisters or cousins will hook up, because that is gross.

The termites probably use the weather as a cue that the party is about to begin.

Once the queen finds the king who's just right for her, the happy couple find a nice log and settle down to start a family. That family will grow. And grow. And grow. One queen can give birth to millions of little termites.

Termite queens can live for 50 years.

So if you see a couple of young lovers shedding their wings and sneaking off into the bushes, give them a little privacy. They have a lot of work ahead of them.

Source: ABC Rural

Cool links 
Ant vs Termite (which is which?)
Termite Facts

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