Tuesday, 31 December 2013

The twelfth day of Sciencemas

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my scientist gave to me...
Twelve DNA strands
DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small DNA orbit animated small

BYO Death Ray: Top 10 science images of 2013

Hello everyone, Dylan here!

2013 has been out of this world... literally! Most of the top science images of 2013 were not taken on Earth. These have been hand-picked by me for Death Ray Science News. In no particular order, here are my top science images of 2013:

#1: The first image was taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which has been orbiting Saturn since 2004. It shows the view of the Earth and Saturn on July 19 (the Earth is a little white dot to the bottom-right of Saturn - you can see it better by clicking on the image and making it bigger). Cassini was around 1.44 billion km away from Earth at this time.
Click on the image to see a much bigger version
Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI

Monday, 30 December 2013

The eleventh day of Sciencemas

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my scientist gave to me...
Eleven deadly diseases
Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles Ebola virus particles

Sunday, 29 December 2013

The tenth day of Sciencemas

On the tenth day of Christmas, my scientist gave to me...
Ten Earth-like planets
Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt Planet Carbon Aluminum Sphere Earth-Like Lt

Saturday, 28 December 2013

The ninth day of Sciencemas

On the ninth day of Christmas, my scientist gave to me...
Nine pipettes pipetting

Friday, 27 December 2013

The eighth day of Sciencemas

On the eighth day of Christmas, my scientist gave to me...
Eight carbon sinks
2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta 2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta 2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta 2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta 2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta 2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta 2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta 2007-09-20-57-kalimantan-foresta

Thursday, 26 December 2013

The seventh day of Sciencemas

On the seventh day of Christmas, my scientist gave to me...
Seven Nobel prizes

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The sixth day of Sciencemas

On the sixth day of Christmas, my scientist gave to me...
Six quantum theories